Program of San Sebastian Tamborrada

Year 2023

It celebrates: From 20th January to 20th January
Place: Donostia-San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa)

On the 20th of January, for San Sebastian, the tamborradas (drummers) go through the streets of Donosti playing the marches of the maestro Sarriegi, a spectacle of colour and sound!

More information:


January 18, Wednesday

  • 12:00: At the Victoria Eugenia Theater, presentation of Honorary Charges of the Children's Tamborrada.

January 19, Thursday

  • 2:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.: In the neighborhoods of Donostia different Children's Tamborradas.
  • 19:00: In the Plenary Hall of the Town Hall, delivery of the Medals for Citizen Merit.
  • 23:25 - 00:00: In the neighborhoods of Donostia, different Tamborradas for Adults.
  • 12:00 p.m.: In the Plaza de la Constitución, Raising of the Flag by the Gaztelubide Society and representatives of the other tamborradas.
  • In the Plaza de la Constitución in the Old Town of San Sebastian, the mayor of Donostia Eneko Goia hoists the city flag. Drummers from the Gaztelubide society and representatives of the other tamborradas are in charge of playing the tamborrada during the act. With the March of San Sebastián by Raimundo Sarriegi the festivities open and then the rest of his popular melodies are interpreted and all those attending the event chorus with enthusiasm; Iriyarena, Retreta, Polka, Tatiago and Diana.

January 20, Friday

  • Throughout the day: In the neighborhoods of Donostia, different Tamborradas for Adults.
  • 12:00 - 14:00: In Alderdi Eder, Children's Drumming.
  • 12:30: In the Town Hall Plenary Hall, Golden Drum.
  • 12:00 p.m.: In the Plaza de la Constitución, Raised the Flag by the Unión Artesana Society.
  • At midnight on January 20, in the Plaza de la Constitución in the Old Town, the mayor of Donostia Eneko Goia lowered the city flag to the sounds of the
  • March of San Sebastián interpreted by the Sociedad Unión Artesana , putting an end to the Party.
  • This year drumming from the neighborhoods also participates in the act that ends 24 uninterrupted hours of drumming in our city, the Arriada de la Bandera in the Plaza de la Constitución.

Drumming for Adults

January 19, Thursday

Alde Zaharra-Old Town

  • 23:45-03:00: Lurgorri Danborrada
  • 23:15-03:30: Gaztelubide


  • 23:45-02:30: Leosineta and Bertsolari


  • 23:40-03:30: Amaratarra


  • 23:30-03:30: Tamborrada Sansustene


  • 23:45-04:00: Ondar Gain
  • 23:56-04:00: Kaialde Association


  • 23:45-03:30: Antxeta S.D.R.
  • 23:45-03:45: Txofreko Lagunak K.E.
  • 23:45-04:00: Tamborada Lagun Garbiak
  • 23:30-3:30: Umore Ona

January 20, Friday

Alde Zaharra-Old Town

  • 00:00-03:30: Tamborada Kañoyetan
  • 00:30-04:00: Casa Alava
  • 01:00-03:20: Arrano Beltza
  • 01:30-05:00: Herria Danborrada
  • 03:00-06:00: Gastronomic Drumming
  • 03:00-06:30: Euskal Billera S.R.
  • 03:30-06:30: Xarmanta
  • 07:00-10:30: Kresala Nagusi
  • 10:30-14:30: Drumming Amaikak Bat
  • 11:00-15:00: Ardatza Herriko
  • 12:00-16:00: Kale Lagunak Danborrada
  • 16:00-19:30: Casa De La Rioja
  • 16:15-19:15: Kresala Gazte Danborada
  • 16:20-20:00: Aizepe Tanborrada
  • 16:30-20:05 Zubi Gain
  • 18:00-22:00: Esperanza Sports Club
  • 18:45-21:45: Photographic Society
  • 20:00-00:00: Ollagorra
  • 20:15-23:05 Aitzaki Danborrada
  • 20:15-01:15: Elkartea Artisan Union


  • 00:00-03:30: Boskotarrak
  • 00:00-03:30: Jolastokieta
  • 00:00-03:30: Altzako Koxkorra K.E.
  • 00:00-04:00: S.D. gurea
  • 00:01-04:00: Drumming Irurak
  • 11:30-14:30: Uliazpi Danborrada
  • 11:30-15:00: Artzak Ortzeok Elkartea
  • 15:30-18:00: Zulo Zahar
  • 15:30-20:00: Kosakos Danborrada
  • 16:30-20:00: Tamborada Bidebieta
  • 16:30-21:00: Altza Sjc Danborrada
  • 17:00-21:00: Intxaurra
  • 17:00-21:30: Drumming Mons
  • 17:30-21:30: Txirritako Txuriurdinak
  • 17:30-21:30: Englishtarrak
  • 18:00-22:00: La Anunciata 75 Elkartea
  • 18:00-22:00: Haizalde
  • 18:30-22:00: International CD


  • 00:00-03:00: Cd Donosti
  • 00:00-03:00: Eroskiko Lagunak
  • 00:00-03:30: Karmelo Txiki Danborrada
  • 00:00-04:00: Santiagomendi Elkartea
  • 11:00-15:20: Drumming Goazen Erreala
  • 11:45-15:15: Katalin Erauso
  • 12:00-15:15: Irauli
  • 15:00-18:45: Donosti Cup
  • 16:00-19:30: Solidarity Drums
  • 16:45-20:30: Ikasbide Kultur Elkartea
  • 17:00-19:45: Lagun Berriak Danborrada
  • 17:00-20:30: Erriberatarrak
  • 17:00-20:30: Morlanstarrak Auzo
  • 17:30-21:30: The Salleko Danborrada
  • 17:45-21:00: Nordic Walking
  • 18:00-22:15: Tamborrada Bodeguilla Association
  • 18:15-22:05: Urtoki
  • 18:30-22:35: Abandotarra
  • 18:40-22:00: Minaren Lagunak
  • 19:00-21:00: The Willow
  • 19:30-00:45: Amara Berri Ikastetxeko


  • 00:00-03:00: Atotxa Erreka
  • 00:00-03:30: Zubi Musu
  • 00:00-03:30: Berio Soccer Taldea
  • 00:00-04:00: Royal Tennis Club of S.S.
  • 01:30-05:30: Danborkide - Sto Tomas Lizeoa
  • 03:00-06:30: Santa Teresa Association
  • 07:00-11:00: Donosti-Zarra-Antiguako Gazte Danborrada
  • 09:00-12:30: Jakintza Loretope
  • 10:00-14:00: Matiazaleak
  • 10:00-14:30: Ibadan Ibaetako
  • 10:30-14:00: Istingorra Society
  • 11:30-14:30: Xexene Danborrada
  • 11:30-14:45: Itxaspe Danborrada
  • 12:00-15:00: Ieteam Lagunak
  • 12:00-15:00: Otsoaren Ulua
  • 15:45-19:45: Tecnun-University of Navarra
  • 16:45-21:45: Ur Tantta
  • 17:00-21:00: Axular Danborrada
  • 17:00-21:15: Benta Berriko Lagunak
  • 17:00-21:30: Ekintza
  • 17:00-21:30: Antiguoko Kirol Elkartea
  • 17:30-21:00: Tsirain Drumming
  • 18:00-22:00: Upv / Ehuko Drumming
  • 19:00-23:00: Drumming in Ayet
  • 20:15-23:00: Youth members of Santo Tomas Lyceum
  • 21:00-00:30: Forest house


  • 00:00-03:30: Tamborrada Spa
  • 00:00-04:00: Los Corcones
  • 00:30-03:30: Amara Sports Association
  • 00:30-04:30: Tamborrada Club Cantábrico
  • 01:00-04:15: La Espiga
  • 01:00-04:30: Mundaiz
  • 02:00-05:00: Amigos Antonio Bar
  • 08:00-11:30: Amigos De Angulas Aguinaga
  • 08:30-11:30: Tamborrada Once
  • 08:30-12:00: Tamborrada University of Deusto
  • 08:30-12:24: Vasconia C.D.
  • 09:00-12:00: Box for Everyone
  • 10:00-12:30: Club De Jubilados Jatorra
  • 12:00-15:30: Hotel De Londres And De Inglaterra
  • 13:15-16:30: Tamborrada Apa Aldapeta
  • 14:00-18:00: Women's House Association
  • 15:00-19:00: Eiztari House
  • 15:30-20:45: Scout Gia Drumming
  • 16:00-20:00: Amigos Del Europa
  • 16:30-20:00: Tamborrada Txubillo
  • 16:30-21:00: Peña Anastasio Juvenil
  • 16:30-21:30: Peña Anastasio Senior
  • 16:45-20:00: Aldapeta Maria Ik
  • 17:00-20:00: Youth
  • 17:00-21:15: School Drum
  • 17:15-20:30: Engineers
  • 17:45-21:45: Society
  • 18:00-22:00: C.D. Friendship
  • 19:00-22:30: Atletico San Sebastian
  • 20:00-00:00: Centenary Cathedral


  • 00:30-03:45: Our Board09:00-12:00: Mb Drum
  • 09:00-12:30: Drumming of Mature Trees
  • 10:00-14:30: Itxas Gain
  • 11:00-14:30: Donosti Dolphins
  • 11:30-15:30: Casa Cultural Galicia
  • 12:30-17:00: Always Real Drumming
  • 14:40-17:40 Centro Burgalés
  • 15:00-18:15: Brothers in the City
  • 16:25-19:50: Sociedad Itasburu
  • 16:30-20:30: Jesuit School
  • 16:45-20:45: P.C. La Gaviota-Gimnastica
  • 17:00-20:30: Donostia Cyclist Club
  • 17:00-21:30: Reka Mari Kultur
  • 18:30-21:50 El Cangrejo
  • 18:45-23:00: Zurriola School
  • 20:00-00:00: Catwalks
  • 20:00-00:00: Bera Bera Rt
  • 20:15-00:15: Drum of Engineers
  • 21:00-00:00: Scream Drum
  • 22:00-02:00: Legends


  • 00:00-03:00: Cd Loyolatar
  • 00:00-04:00: Water Enthusiasts
  • 00:00-23:59: Drumming in Martuten
  • 08:00-12:00: Sociedad Donosti Gain
  • 16:00-20:30: Parroquia Maria Reina
  • 16:30-20:30: Atitor School
  • 16:30-21:00: Tamborrada Ametzagaña
  • 17:30-21:30: Lanberri Neighborhood Association
  • 21:00-00:00: Eagle Society
  • 21:30-00:00: Zuloidan Zuhaitz

No-Zone-Sin Zone

  • 13:00-16:15: Sheshena's Culture

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