Festivities of Our Lady of Vega in Haro

On September 8, the festival of the Virgen de la Vega is celebrated in Haro (La Rioja), patron saint of the town. That same day, in the morning there is a contest of verses and compliments to the Virgin, an offering of flowers and the traditional blessing of the spikes.
At sunset, the colorful Rosario de Faroles takes place, where the Virgin is paraded through the streets of the city, one of the most beautiful processions in Spain and which has been declared of Regional Tourist Interest.
The festivities end with the traditional Jira that takes place in the Parque de la Fuente del Moro, where jarreros and visitors meet and are led by the peñas in a parade to the Plaza Monseñor Florentino Rodríguez, where the festivities are dismissed with fire bulls. and fireworks.